Canned air blasts. Wheels rumble across wood floors. Asian candy wrappers seem to glow next to a tray filled with granola bar crumbles topped with a NO EATING sign.

It is a typical day in Studio Eight, if there is such a thing. New photographer Robert Olding is shooting away. Beep. Beep. Click. Then a flash of light. In less than a month, he’s perfectly at home.

One specialty is shooting food. As we look on these, it is like meditation and invitation all at once. Hard to believe him when he describes his entry to the business as a happy accident: He did the photography for a magazine article and the phone started ringing. “All of a sudden, I was a food photographer overnight,” Robert says.

However it happened — serendipity or skill or a bit of both — we’re excited to have him. He brings years of experience with the artistic and business sides of photography to his new role. Check out Robert’s website and blog.