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Worth a Thousand Words

Product Photography Improves Customer Conversion Rates

We’ve all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words” a hundred times or more in our lifetime, but it still holds true. It refers to the notion that a single image can convey more about the subject than a description does. Call our team at Studio Eight a tad biased, but we believe this is truer today than ever and here is why.

Seeing is Everything

Think about how you shop or how you buy anything. You want to see it, right? Images have an impact on conversion rate. People want to see high resolution and detail shots of your products. Did you know that 360-degree product shots show and tell a more complete story and result in a 27 percent improvement in customer conversion rate? In fact, here is a great blog post on How Images Can Boost Your Conversion Rate. It’s a quick read, and it has great visual examples.

Photography Estimates are Free!

One of the most frequent things we hear is, “professional product photography is just too expensive for what we need right now.” Professional studio photography doesn’t have to be expensive. Almost any studio will be happy to give you an estimate. Estimates cost you nothing! The more organized you are, the easier the estimate process should be.

3 easy steps to an estimate

Here are a few things to pull together before you reach out to any professional photography studio for an estimate:

  1. Shot list (more detail = a more specific estimate)
  2. Inspiration (images you like and want the photographer to go by)
  3. Usage (know where the images will be used: web and/or print, as well as geography for rights)

Product Images Drive Conversions

Well-done images are a must and will inevitably drive more product interest and boost your conversions if used correctly. The information needed to get an estimate is pretty basic. Get organized and find out just how easy it is to let your product images sell themselves and drive revenue.

Here to Help

As always, we are here to help out. If you would like an estimate for professional product photography, creative services, or production support, please let us know.

Studio Eight is a Minneapolis-based studio that has been in business for more than 40 years, and if we can’t do it for you, chances are we know someone who can.